0 off market properties in Bundaberg Central, QLD 4670

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Bundaberg Central has 505 properties. Over the last 5 years, Houses in Bundaberg Central have seen a 128.71% increase in median value, while Units have seen a 29.37% increase. As at 28 February 2025:

  • The median value for Houses in Bundaberg Central is $431,557 while the median value for Units is $346,541.
There are currently 5 properties listed for sale, and 1 property listed for rent in Bundaberg central on OnTheHouse. According to CoreLogic's data, 18 properties were sold in the past 12 months in Bundaberg central. Learn more about Bundaberg central

0 off market properties in Bundaberg Central, QLD 4670

We didn't find any off market properties that match your search criteria
Here are some similar off market properties in the surrounding areas.

Bundaberg Central has 505 properties. Over the last 5 years, Houses in Bundaberg Central have seen a 128.71% increase in median value, while Units have seen a 29.37% increase. As at 28 February 2025:

  • The median value for Houses in Bundaberg Central is $431,557 while the median value for Units is $346,541.
There are currently 5 properties listed for sale, and 1 property listed for rent in Bundaberg central on OnTheHouse. According to CoreLogic's data, 18 properties were sold in the past 12 months in Bundaberg central. Learn more about Bundaberg central
For sale
For rent
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